The loss of even one tooth can throw the aesthetic of your smile, and your oral health off-balance.
With dental implants, it’s possible to address the issue of a missing tooth with a solution that gives a result almost identical to a real tooth, in terms of appearance and function.
Dental implants are replacement tooth roots, made from titanium. They anchor a crown, bridge or dentures in place and as titanium is highly compatible with the human body, implants have a very high success rate. With a good oral hygiene routine, a dental implant can last a lifetime.
Simply put, dental implants are the prime way to replace a missing tooth. They provide the jawbone with a level of support that dentures and bridges can’t compete with, as they replace the root of a real tooth. In doing so, the jawbone begins to grow around the implant and receives the stimulation it needs to go on to be strong and healthy.
Evaluation: as with all implant treatments, we will carry out an extensive examination of the mouth and assess the quality of your jawbone, to make sure you are suitable for treatment. We will also take note of your natural tooth shade and shape, so we can create a restoration (crown, bridge or dentures) that’s befitting of your facial aesthetic.
Surgery: the implant is inserted into the jawbone surgically, and will need a period of several months (3-6) to heal, before the remainder of your dental implants journey can continue.
Abutment placement: the abutment is the element connecting your implant to your crown. Once this is fitted, it’s time for the restoration, which will enable you to enjoy what it is to smile with a full set of teeth again.
Restoration placement: your crown is placed over the implant, and should feel just like a real tooth.
- They can be a permanent answer to tooth loss, providing you afford them the correct care.
- They can be looked after in the same way as a natural tooth.
- They’re virtually identical to real teeth.
- Your chewing and speaking function will feel completely normal again.
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